How important is passing plan check and inspection the first time?
You own this facility. The payments are still due even though the building can’t be occupied. The bank isn’t concerned that the signs didn’t pass plan check or inspection. They do not consider it their problem that signs are missing from the plans, the braille is incorrect or the ADA signs are mounted too high. They just want payments, not excuses.
You are the Architect. The ADA standards for signs are detailed. The code brings new sign requirements every 3 years. Plans are complex. But the owner wants to get this project built.
You are the Contractor. Inspections are here. The clock is ticking. Will the fire department pass the evacuation plans? Do exit doors have braille signs? Are ADA signs mounted too high? Can someone in a wheelchair find the elevator and the accessible restroom?
Every day delayed is costing the building owner money, big money.
So avoid hearing the project will be delayed because of sign errors. Put Sharon Toji and her team at H Toji on your team as Sign Consultants!
Meet Sharon Toji
Also known throughout the country as the ADA Sign Lady, Sharon Toji has dedicated the last 30 years to educating others about accessible wayfinding and the ADA standards as well as providing services through her family company, H Toji and Company. They specialize in the design, fabrication and installation of complete accessible and ADA compliant signage systems. H Toji and Company holds a California contractors’ license.
Sharon has offered seminars, webinars and workshops attended by
• California Certified Access Specialists (CASps)
• Building inspectors, plan checkers and code compliance officials
• Architects, designers and other sign professionals
Her consulting company, Access Communications, has surveyed facilities that have received official ADA complaints or failed plan check or inspections and has written complete sign plans to correct deficiencies.
As a voting delegate on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A117.1 Committee, and a past member of three important State of California committees, Sharon literally “wrote the book” on architectural standards for ADA signs.
Sharon Toji and Chris Sircello (CASp 404) team up on plan check for a consulting project
Luxury Condominiums Commercial/Residential Mixed-Use Apartments
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